FUNCTIONING ON FULL Karese uncovers the myth of the 7-8 hour requirement of sleep. Practical ways to optimize sleep. How to eliminate burnout and function on full all day. Achieving peak productivity through the C.A.R.E. process, to amplify goal execution.
BREATHE HEALTH INTO YOUR BODY The mouth is the key to health. What secrets can a peak in your mouth uncover? Why where your tongue rests impacts digestion, sleep, and beauty. Tips to eliminate mouth breathing, grinding, and TMJ pain.
One mother’s journey from denial, to acceptance and medication, to holistic healing. Experts and research claim 50-70% of ADHD cases are misdiagnosed sleep disorders. How to know when your child is one of the misdiagnosed. How to intervene for alternative approaches to medication. Managing ADHD without medication.
WHAT'S THE FUNCTION Assessing W.T.F: Demystifying the shift from OHI to OFI in Periodontal Protocol
The periodontium is crying out for attention due to biomechanial stress and manifesting it's "crying wolf" into periodontal disease. An intriguing new perspective on management of chronic periodontal disease with the inclusion of oral function instruction (OFI) to your current protocol.
Incorporating Myofunctional Therapy Into Your Practice Without Adding Stress
Airway has become the latest way to increase practice differentiation and patient whole body wellness. Unfortunately, being a hot topic and featured presentation at conferences does little for the reality of practice integration. Learn a proven model of integration to shortcut the process from stressed to smooth.
4 Steps to Sustained Productivity
Sleep deficiency has been declared a national concern by the Center for Disease Control. Moreover, it costs employers approximately $1,400 per employee a year. Deep dive into the psychology of good sleep and how 4 simple steps can transform your career and health.
Sleep: You Make Me Feel So Young
Senior Sleep Solutions by The Myo Spot is a 1-3 hour workshop that is offered in-person for an audience of active 55+. During this engaging session participants will learn why traditional sleep tips have been unsuccessful at restoring their sleep, and how simple methods of alteration to their evening routine can make the difference.