Improve Function, End Frustration

Gain Functional Advantages

For more than a century myofunctional therapy has been used to improve oral posture, aid in orthodontic expansion, eliminate oral habits, and establish nasal breathing. Further research has linked the benefits of myofunctional therapy to sleep apnea treatment, oral motor improvement, anxiety, and asthma relief.

Our myofunctional therapy program has provided the following benefits to our clients

  • Improved sleep

  • Decreased congestion

  • Orthodontic retention

  • Reduced headaches

  • Decreased anxiety

  • Improved posture

  • Improved behavior and focus

  • Decreased messy/loud eating

  • Reduced gag reflex

  • Reduced picky eating

  • And more…

How it Works

  1. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your child’s needs and your concerns

  2. The myofunctional therapist will make personalized recommendations and let you know if myofunctional therapy is the best option for your child.

  3. If so, we schedule an evaluation and develop a weekly plan to execute your health and wellness goals.

  4. If not, recommendations for local medical or dental providers who may better serve your needs will be made.

Please call us at (732) 401-5370 to schedule a free consultation for any questions.

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